Earth day

Earth day is when you can save the Earth and these are some of the things

1. turning the lights of when your not using them

2. take shorter showers and when your soaking your hair you can turn the water off

3. when your brushing your teeth don’t leave the water on

4. when your phone or any electronics are charged all the way then don’t plug it in

5. you should where your clothes 2 times because you just wasted electricity

That is what I did for Earth day you should try that.

the earth

Africa Bridge

Africa Bridge is an organization that helps us to communicate and work with people at Pakati school who are in need. Tanzania is a country in East Africa. Each morning before school,students gather together to sing. Some of the kids in Tanzania don’t have soccer ball’s so they make there own ball’s out of  rag’s. About 70 percent of children begin elementary school,but only about 10 percent of the children make it past the 7th grade. The classroom building’s are small and made out of  mud brick,Pakati school is located in the small village of Ntandabala,Tanzania. Their classroom’s are really crowded  and they are trying to build new ones.


Spring Break

During spring break I went to London. It took 5 hours for the first ride on the plan to Dallas, Texas then for the secant ride that took 1 day and were at London we got a taxi and went where the Beatles crossed the road. Then we went to the hotel are room was pretty and after that we went to Kensington palace and went to see princess Dianne’s dresses. They where beautiful after we saw princes Dianne’s dresses we had lunch and it was yummy and we did a lot of fun stuff for the week. We had a fun time.

1848-437253             London Big Ben

Super Bowl

seahawks-big-10962.rMe my dad, my mom and my sister watched the Super Bowl on Sunday. I made deserts for the game I made cake pops and cupcakes it was fun making them and they where good! My team was the Seattle Seahawks and the other team is Denver Broncos. The Seattle Seahawks won and we hade a great time!


My Goals

Today we were making goals that we want to achieve and hear is 2 of mine.

1. to have my right splits down by a month and practice 15 min a day. If I don’t have it down by a month I’ll practice 30 min a day.

2. I am going to try to get my back handspring by 3 weeks and if i don’t i’ll do it for 1 more month


podie jhon

Fry And Parr

Do you know what Fry and Parr is?

Fry are twice the size of a Alevin.  When the yolk sac is all used up,the bottom of the Fry is silver.  They are about 3-4 cm.  They have teeth,scales and fins.  They develop black marks,they are called Parr.  These help to camouflage them.

They swim away from the redd to find food.

They eat insects,plankton and fish eggs.

Birds and large fish eat Fry and Parr.

Fry use their swim bladder for the first time to move in the water.

Know you know about Fry and Parr.



I loved learning about the life cycle of a salmon.  The life cycle of salmon begins with salmon as eggs.  I did not know that after salmon are eggs they develop into alvin,Fry,parr,adult and smolt.  These stages can be compared to human ages.  Here are some examples:  an alvin is like a tiny kid, a fry and par are like teenagers, a parr is like a young adult, an adult would compare to an adult and a smolt is an older adult like a grandma or grandpa.  The life of a salmon was interesting to me!
